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German Newsreels no. 750 (25/1/45), 751 (10/2/45), 752 (17/2/45).

German Newsreel no. 750 (25 January, 1945): Public service announcement uses trick drawings to urge people to save electricity by turning off unnecessary lights. Two soldier amputees ski down a mountain. Volkssturm members receive clothing and equipment, and practice with adhesive charges, Panzerfaust, Panzerschreck, and flamethrower. In the Dutch combat area, Navy men blow up bridge by jumping out of speedboats carrying explosive charges to target. In town near Western Front, life continues underground: kitchens, archives, town administration, print shop, power plant, newspaper, barber; miners changing shifts. Ardennes offensive (Battle of the Bulge); German village recaptured: British and Gaullist prisoners; tanks, infantry, and supply convoys advance; infantrymen in rear positions withstand Soviet air attack; street fighting; ground-attack planes knock out Soviet tanks (pictures taken from plane. 10 min. German Newsreel no. 751 (10 February, 1945): Seriously-wounded soldiers