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German Newsreels no. 731 (7/9/44), 732 (14/9/44), 734 (28/9/44).

German Newsreel no. 731 (7 September, 1944): Agriculture: mountain-farmer family working; 70-year-old farmer working his hereditary farm (Erbhof); Reich Labor Service men and women help. Women working to aid war effort: women register for work; members of German Film Ballet work in Berlin defense plant; women do factory work once done only by men; kindergarten at defense plant for working mothers' children. Vice Admiral Heye decorates a lieutenant and one-man-torpedo pilots; Admiral Doenitz adds his congratulations. Western Front: motorized units roll to front; crossing streams on ferries and pontoon bridges; part of reconnaissance unit and assault guns in march through city; street battles in a suburb; assault guns battle Allied tank spearheads. After 300th kill, fighter-pilot ace Lieutenant Hartmann arrives at airfield, where he is congratulated by Lieutenant General Seidemann and decorated by Hitler. On the Narva Front, SS infantrymen set up positions and bunkers and Leon Degrelle