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German Newsreels no. 725 (26/7/44), 726 (3/8/44).

German Newsreel no. 725 (26 July, 1944): July 20 attempt to assassinate Hitler: damage at Hitler's headquarters; Hitler greets Mussolini at train station a few hours after the attempt and confers with him and Himmler. (Graziani, Goering, and Ribbentrop are present.) Albert Speer speaks at a defense-industry conference and awards medals to industrial leaders Kessler, Fischer, Langenohl, and Lueschen (Hitler is shown). Speer visits a new defense plant. A Panther tank is tested side-by-side with American General Lee tank. Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck tested. Eastern Front: retreating to new defensive lines; artillery on self-propelled mounts and heavy artillery; destroying rails; rear guard leaves town; refugees join retreating Soviet tanks and infantry; knocked-out Soviet tanks; ground-attack planes target Soviet supply lines. Western Front: supply trucks roll to the front; Allied planes bomb Caen; German supplies roll through a burning Caen suburb; infantrymen move into position on th