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German Newsreels no. 722 (6/7/44), 723 (12/7/44).

German Newsreel no. 722 (6 July, 1944): General Dietl's funeral, with a eulogy from Hitler, shots of Dietl with troops. Leon Degrelle speaks to Wallonian soldiers and workers in Berlin (synchronous sound, with German translation from narrator). Training at an infantry school, final exercise, Lieutenant Colonel Baerenfaenger speaks to graduates (synchronous sound), infantry song. On the Western Front, coastal batteries fight British-American naval units, Allied wreckage on the coast, knocked-out allied tanks, prisoners, including US paratroopers, Sepp Dietrich at his command post, German tanks, assault guns, and rockets and artillery on self-propelled mounts counterattack in the Bayeux area. (12 min) German Newsreel no. 723 (12 July, 1944): The poet Wilhelm von Scholz at home. Four sisters run a sawmill because the men folk have been drafted. Women train horses for the Wehrmacht. In Prague, the 1944 Reich Labor Service Art Show, Reich Labor Leader Hierl and State Minister Frank ope