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German Newsreels no. 717 (31/5/44), 719 (14/6/44).

German Newsreel no. 717 (31 May, 1944): Mother's Day: Mothers visit children at a "Sending Children to the Country" camp; Styria District Party Director Uberreither awards a Mother's Honor Cross. Professor Moeller, a female oceanographer, takes water samples, then investigates them in a laboratory. In Krems, Austria, the 13th German Gymnastics Championship tournament. A welterweight boxing match between a German and a Dutchman sponsored by the Service for Troop Morale. Food distribution: newspaper ads for special food allotments; grocery store; warehouses and trucks; Reich Minister Backe. Seriously wounded German soldiers, including veterans of the Africa campaign, return from imprisonment in America, arriving in a harbor in Southern France. Shots from a captured American newsreel shows American ships being bombed by Japanese in a New Guinea harbor. In Eastern Rumania, columns of Ukrainians and Rumanians fleeing the soviets meet marching German soldiers and are cared for by the German