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German Newsreels no. 713 (3/5/44), 715 (17/5/44).

German Newsreel no. 713 (3 May, 1944): District Party Director Wagner's funeral in Munich, including procession. General Hube's funeral in Berlin; Goering and Hitler are present. In Spain, General Franco reviews a parade honoring fifth anniversary of the liberation of Barcelona. In Brussels, the SS assault brigade Wallonia returns home; Leon Degrelle presents decorations in the presence of Sepp Dietrich. Final exams for Adolf Hitler School students at a " Castle of the Knightly Order", where Robert Ley and Baldur von Schirach are present; students' boxing and gymnastic skills are displayed. In Munich, Berlin and Munich city soccer teams compete. Training at a Navy blockade weaponry school, including classroom work and laying and clearing mines in field exercises. Sniper training, including target practice and field exercises. Hungarians and Germans on the Easter Front; soldiers bask in sunshine; field exercises. Hungarian troops in the area of Stanislav, including a general; German an