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German Newsreels no. (29/3/44), 709 (5/4/44).

Newsreel no. 708 (29 March, 1944): The chemist and industrialist Professor Krauch in a laboratory that produces synthetic fiber. Women gymnasts from Berlin and Dresden compete. At the Schiller Theater, Heinrich George talks to his co-workers about resuscitating the theater after air attacks (synchronous sound), excerpts from several scenes of a production of Urfaust at the theater are shown (synchronous sound). Goebbels greets a delegation of officers and soldiers who took part in the hard battles for the city of Cassino, a comic master-of-ceremonies introduces them in a theater (synchronous sound), and one of them talks to a table of soldiers about playing chess in a tent while under attack (synchronous sound). German troops arrive in Budapest; friendly greetings from the local population; German soldiers on the Fisherman's Bastion over the Danube. U-boats in torpedo-shooting training exercises, used exercise torpedoes brought into workshop, refilled, and returned to U-boats. On the