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German Newsreels no. 702 (16/2/44), 703 (23/2/44).

Newsreel no. 702 (16 February, 1944): Goethe Medal winner artist Paul Hermann at work. Skiing championship of the Air Command at Zell am See, including slalom, cross-country, and downhill. The Langemarck Program in Heidelberg, where soldiers on leave and workers can earn a high-school degree. Female members of the Reich Labor Service shown working on a streetcar in a military hospital, and in a defense plant. Goebbels decorates Berliners who distinguished themselves in the Berlin civil defense against bombings, including District Administrative Director Schach and Police President Helldorf. Ley gives the Fritz Schott Prize to eight researchers and inventors. Doenitz speaks to U-boat crews at a German naval base and awards medals. In Italy, in the Nettuno area, an artillery duel, in Aprilia, German artillery, Anglo-American prisoners march into Rome. In the east, soldiers leave the front line for rest and relaxation, they see movies and receive gifts. In Vitebsk, supplies head for the