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German Newsreels no. 690 (24/11/43), 692 (8/12/43).

German Newsreel no. 690 (24 November, 1943): Convalescent home for students injured in the war. French volunteer Legion recruits arrive at a German training camp. In Vienna, Reich competition of the Hitler Youth Communication Corps, Baldur von Schirach and Youth Leader Axmann are shown. In the Berlin Sports Palace, a day for the armed forces, including two Berlin ice-hockey teams. On the Atlantic coast of France, Japanese ambassador Oshima inspects the Atlantic Wall. On the Arctic Front, snowplows, sleds, and skis, building materials, soldiers take cod-liver oil. General Dietl inspects positions in the Lapland Front and decorates a private. In Krivoi Rog, destroyed Soviet tanks and weapons. On the Smolensk roadway, German mortars and Stuka and Soviet tanks. On the South Italian Front, tanks on mountain roads, flak repels enemy bombers, an Italian village, blowing up road and rail, infantry and paratroops in defensive battle. A newly-occupied island base in the Aegean area receives rei