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German Newsreels no. 639 (2/12/42), 640 (10/12/42), 642 (21/12/42).

Newsreel no. 639 (2 December, 1942): Training in German submarine schools, including classroom work, simulations exercises, and work with models. Homecoming at a U-boat base with Admiral Doenitz in attendance. On the French Mediterranean - view of Marseilles; Axis infantry, air power, and artillery gourd the coast after French officers intentionally scuttled part of the French fleet in an attempt to deliver the fleet and Toulon harbor to the Allies. A German-Italian convoy brings vehicles, mail, and supplies to Tunisia. German and Italian planes attack the British-American fleet near Algiers with torpedoes and bombs. In the Leningrad area, a train brings supplies to the front; Soviets are opposed by artillery and planes including a Croatian bomber squadron. Along the upper Don, Hungarians and other German allies repulse a Soviet attack. In the middle section of the Eastern Front, another Soviet attack is encountered. (19 min) Newsreel no. 640 (10 December, 1942): Mussolini speaks