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German Newsreels no. 635 (4/11/42), 637 (18/11/42), 638 (25/11/42

Newsreel no. 635 (4 November, 1942): Mussolini attends ceremonies honoring the 20th anniversary of the march on Rome; party labor director Robert Ley heads the NSDAP delegation and brings a message from Hitler. A Japanese naval unit deploys ships and planes in battle. In Stalingrad, Stukas and infantry attack the gun factory "the red barricade". At the Caucasus Front - a reconnaissance plane pinpoints Soviet positions around Terek, which are then attacked by SS "Germanic volunteers"; light mountain infantrymen climb the Galabashi, refreshing themselves at a sauna; a German mountain patrol repulses a soviet patrol. At the Egyptian front, German and Italian units led by Rommel, including armored units and paratroopers used in land combat, defend the El Almein position against the British. (17 min) Newsreel no. 637 (18 November, 1942): November 9th ceremonies in Munich and Berlin honor national socialist martyrs; Gauleiter Giesler and General Keitel attend the festivities in Munich.