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German Newsreels no. 631 (7/10/42), 632 (14/10/42), 633 (21/10/42).

Newsreel no. 631 (7 October, 1942): Foreign minister von Ribbentrop receives the Italian and Japanese ambassadors on the second anniversary of the signing of the three-power pact, and predicts a new order in Europe. Rommel reports to Hitler and speaks to domestic and foreign reporters about events in North Africa. At the Berlin sports palace, the 1942-1943 winter relief drive opens - Goebbles reports on amounts given and disbursed in previous years and Hitler affirms homeland support for the front-line soldier. In the northern sector of the eastern front, a water conveyor is devised by soldiers and food is delivered to the front; Waffen SS men protected the builders of a forest position; a captive balloon guides firing on Soviet positions. South of lake Ladoga, tanks and infantry combat Soviet forces; artillery destroys a Soviet bunker; labor service men under Soviet attack take up arms. At another eastern front site, an assault troops reconnoiters under fire. Behind the eastern front