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German Newsreels no. 629 (23/9/42), 630 (30/9/42).

Newsreel no. 629 (23 September, 1942): Wounded soldiers take an NSDAP-sponsored excursion in Carinthia. British landing attempt at Tobruk is repulsed by coastal batteries. Stalingrad: tanks and infantry thrust into city; street fighting rages; bombers attack; deep ravines; Stalingrad in flames. (14 min) Newsreel no. 630 (30 September, 1942): African front: freighters taking equipment from Italy to Africa are attacked by British bombers, and one is shot down; railway to the El Alamein Front; supply depot; Rommel, Kesselring, and fighter-pilot Marseille; Alexandria is bombed. On the Atlantic coast, a Japanese submarine enters a German base, where it's greeted by admirals Doenitz, Raeder, and others, after which the crew engage in sports and games. Also on the Atlantic coast, two successful submarine commanders receive medals. In the far north, Stukas attack Murmansk harbor. Stalingrad: a Focke-Wulf reconnaissance plane spots pockets of resistance, which are then softened up; flak w