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German Newsreels no. 621 (29/7/42), 627 (8/9/42).

Newsreel no. 621 (29 July, 1942): Extensive footage of fortifications, weapons, plans, and ships. Hitler greets General Munoz Grandez of Spain. Stukas, infantry, and tanks help win the Chersonese peninsula struggle, which marks the end of the battle for Sevastopol and the Crimea; Soviet prisoners are shown. In the middle sector of the Eastern Front, a Soviet unit is intercepted between the Donets and the Don, where a long trick-photography map sequence depicts the course of battle, including the capture of Voronezh and Rostov; long lines of German infantry, augmented by a Rumanian unit, march southeastward; an advance party faces enemy planes and fights resistance in a village, weapons are ferried across the Don; Stukas attack troops and installations; Rostov is taken. (35 min) Newsreel no. 627 (8 September, 1942): In Budapest, the Reich administrator's son, killed as a military pilot, buried in a state funral with von Ribbentrop and Keitel in attendance. Africa: supplies are flow