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German Newsreels no. 618 (8/7/42), 619 (15/7/42).

Newsreel no. 618 (8 July, 1942): Hitler awards to Waffen-SS Lieutenant General Eicke and fighter pilot Marseille. Finland's Marshal von Mannerheim visits Hitler and Goering; Halder, Jodl, Himmler, and others are present. khov Front: a trick-photography map sequence depicts Soviets failed attempt to free Leningrad; mud and marshes; bridges and corduroy roads built; Waffen-SS troops smoke out soviets; Army and SS troops, including Spanish, Dutch, and Flemish Vol.unteers, seize a village; HE-111s and Stukas attack Soviet positions; captured weapons. Elsewhere on the Eastern Front, tanks infantry, and engineers capture a Soviet village. Final phase of Sevastopol battle: Stukas attack military installations; German and Rumanian infantry and engineers advance; Field Marshal von Manstein views captured fortress of "Maxim Gorki" corps; Rumanian engineers clear minefields; harbor area reached; captured Soviet armaments. Africa after Tobruk victory: troops swim in Mediterranean; Rommel interrog