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German Newsreels no. 615 (18/6/42), 617 (1/7/42).

Newsreel no. 615 (18 June, 1942): The Sultan of Morocco arrives in Madrid to visit the Caudillo; Spanish Foreign Minister Serrano Suner meets him at the station. Reich Post Minister Ohnesorge celebrates his 70th birthday; Reichsminister Rosenberg, Field Marshal Milch and SS Reich Leader Heinrich Himmler greet him. Funeral services for assassinated SS General Reinhard Heydrich in Prague and Berlin ("The Deputy Protector of Bohemia and Moravia fell victim to cowardly assassins"); thousands file by Heydrich casket in the Prague Castle Courtyard; ceremonial cortege en route to Berlin; SS Police General Daluege; the casket in the Fuehrer's Chancellery; Hitler expresses his sympathy to the family; Heydrich's two young sons next to Himmler; state, party and Wehrmacht leaders escort Heydrich to Invaliden Cemetery. At his headquarters the Fuhrer receives Hungarian Premier von Kallay; General Jodl outlines the military situation; Hungarian General Vitez; Reichs Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop.