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German Newsreels no. 610 (13/5/42), 611 (20/5/42) 614 (11/6/42).

Newsreel no. 610 (13 May, 1942): The state studio of Prof. Breker, sculptor of the new Germany, in Berlin-Grunewald. Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg receives farmers from Ukraine, Belorussia, and Russia who thank him for the liberation from the Soviet yoke. Hitler rewards General von Kleist. Field Marshal von Bock with his troops in the Crimea. Fight against Soviet partisans in the Crimea ("Jews and Bolshevik agents conduct stealthy night raids"). Ukrainian volunteers militia in formation drills. Sunday market in Kharkov. JU 52 cargo planes ferry supplies to forward units on the eastern front. U-boat action in the Atlantic; German gun fire forces crew of an armed US freighter to abandon ship; the U-boat crew tosses food to the shipwrecked sailors; U-boat attack and hit a US oil tanker. (26 min) Newsreel no. 611 (20 May, 1942): Founding of the Romanian Kingdom festivities: Field Marshal List arrives in Bucharest and meets Vice Premier Antonescu; Romanian troops parade in Bucharest. R