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Wochenschau Nrs. 606 (16/4/42), 607 (22/4/42) 609 (6/5/42).

Newsreel no. 606 (16 April, 1942): Wilhelm Fuertwangler conducts the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra at an armaments plant in Berlin (the Meistersinger overture by Richard Wagner). Tanks manufacture in German arms plants. Reich Marshal Goering congratulates Field Marshal Milch on his 50th birthday. Decorating of an excellent Luftwaffe pilots. German troops advance into the Kerch Peninsula in the eastern Crimea; German and Romanian soldiers at a repose; panzers attack; German assault troops; destroyed Soviet tanks. Italian and German Navies in the Mediterranean; British destroyers retreat. Tank Battles in Cyrenaica, Libya; General Rommel observes the battle; captured Britons ("Churchill and Roosevelt's pawns"); German tanks roll on. (25 min) Newsreel no. 607 (22 April, 1942): Hitler's 53rd birthday festivities; Field Marshal Keitel, Reich Marshal Goering, SS Reich Leader Himmler, Reich Party Labor Director Ley, Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop and Admiral Raeder visit Hitler at his he