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German Newsreels no. 578 (1/10/41), 579 (8/10/41

Newsreel no. 578 (1 October, 1941): German transports in Petsamo, Finland's northernmost port. General Dietl, Hero of Narvik, with his troops. Daring invasion of the islands of Oesel (Saaremaa) and moon (Muhu) in the gulf of Riga; detonating mines; German aviators' bombs smash coast defenses; the old Teutonic fortress in Arensburg, the capital of Oesel. Krasnpodaisk Palace, summer residence of the czars. German forces converge on Leningrad from all directions as the yoke around the city is tightened. German bombers attack. General von Brauchitsch and General Weichs. Railroad engineer units work behind the front. Italian and Romanian troops at the gates of Odessa. Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, liberated from Bolshevik terror; General Guderian; The encirclement of four soviet armies in the Kiev area nets 665,000 prisoners. (31 min) Newsreel No. 579 (8 October, 1941) Goebbels opens the 3rd winter relief fund drive rally in Berlin's Sportpalast. Hitler speaks at the rally and blasts