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German Newsreels no. (13/8/41), 573 (27/8/41).

Newsreel no. 571 (13 August, 1941): Volunteer legions from France, Flanders and Denmark join the crusade against Bolshevism. SS Freikorps Denmark is sworn in Hamburg. In Rome, Mussolini inspects more eastern front bound troops. Italians troops. Romanian Chief of State Anotonescu with his charges. German and Romanians engineers build a bridgehead over the Dniester near Criuleni. German flak units proceed through Ukraine. Hungarian and Slovakian forces fight along with the Germans. The armies fighting in Ukraine under Marshal von Rundstedt face difficult weather conditions. Masses of Soviet soldiers captured in Ukraine. Wehrmacht rapidly advances on all Eastern Fronts. German carpet air bombings disables runways of enemy airfields. Hitler visits troops in Minsk; Field Marshal von Bock welcomes the Fuhrer. A village near Smolensk hails the German soldiers as liberators. Fight for an oil depot. The town of Roslavl is in German hands. Epidemics and neglect at a pediatric hospital. Farmers