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German Newsreels no. 569 (30/7/41), 570 (6/8/41).

German Newsreel no. 569 (30 July 1941): Goering and Luftwaffe officers at his eastern base; reception of Marshal Kvaternik, Croatia Deputy Leader. Volunteers from Denmark, Spain (the "Blue Division") and Italy depart to Germany to take part in the fight against Bolshevism; they are cordiality welcomed in Germany. German destroyers leave Norway for Barents Sea and attack Soviet patrol boats near Murmansk; the enemy boats are bombarded and sunk. Heavy fighting near Salla; a bridgehead established across the Dniester River. German troops on the former Soviet-Romanian border in Bessarabia; Bolshevik emerge from the wood. Soviet prisoners ("mean-looking examples of these subhuman Bolsheviks"). Youths join the Ukrainian National Movement. Hungarian and Slovakian troops advance deeper into Ukraine. Waffen SS units cross the Dnieper River. Heavy combat in Vitebsk, Polatsk and Smolensk areas; Ruins and burnings. Long column of Soviet prisoners. Bodies of people that were tortured and killed by