Based on the best selling novel by Ian McEwan (2001), this WWII drama is comprised of 4 parts and tells a story of tragic love. Cecilia Tallis (Keira Knightley), a young English aristocrat and Robbie Turner (James McAvoy), the housekeeper's promising son, who is an Oxford graduate, thanks to the generosity of Cecilia's father, are attached to each other despite their difference in social class. Short while after the two reveal their mutual feelings they forced to suffer the consequences of a child lie - Cecilia's younger sister Briony who thinks she sees Robbie mistreating her sister. To realize this misinterpretation, some scenes in the film are shown several times from different perspectives – Briony perspective and the real perspective. Atonement opened the 2007 Venice International Film Festival (made 35-years old director Joe Wright 35 the youngest director ever to open this prestigious festival) and the 2007 Vancouver International Film Festival. Best Drama Motion Picture winner