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German Newsreels no. 534 (28/11/40), 536 (20/12/40).

Newsreel no. 534 (28 November, 1940): Devastating Romanian earthquake prompts German aid; King Michael visits the disaster area. Mussolini tours the arms plant in Terni, central Italy. The Italian front lines in North Africa. Ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) depart Bessarabia for Fatherland. Foreign Minister of Spain Suner and Foreign Minister of Italy Ciano visit Hitler at Berchtesgaden; they meet with Field Marshal Keitel, ambassador Mackensen, Foreign Minister Ribbentrop. Hitler and Ribbentrop attend ceremony at Belvedere Palace in Vienna as Hungary joins Tripartite Pact; Hungarian Premier Teleki is received; the people of Vienna greet the Fuehrer's motorcade. Romania's Premier Ion Anotonescu and Slovakia's Vojtech Tuka also sign Tripartite Pact. Victory in the West exhibit opens in Vienna; Reich Marshal Goering is the first to visit. German long-range fighters on reconnaissance over the fiords. Goering decorates outstanding soldiers with the Iron Cross. Luftwaffe stages a massive ra