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German Newsreels no. 531 (6/11/40), 533 (20/11/40).

Newsreel no. 531 (6 November, 1940): Bountiful vegetable harvest in Germany. Autobahn construction in Austria. SA officers tour liberated eastern districts. Cross section of activities in France under German occupation - communication helpers relieve occupying forces; French helpers sort articles and handle distribution under German supervision in the uniform supply center of the French Army; heavy armor is being amassed in occupied zones; signal corps drills in occupied territory. In Rome, Herman Niel is conducting a concert for wounded Italians soldiers. Italian troops pave roads through the desert after capturing Sollum and Sidi el Barani. Japanese bombers attack Burma Road. Victorious U-boats return to bases. Reich marshal Goering reviews Richthofen and Horst Wessel Heavy Fighter Wings. The 24th anniversary of Captain Boelcke death (World War flyer). Bombings over Britain -"capital punishment will end the crime spree". (24 min) Newsreel no. 533 (20 November, 1940): East Asia