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German Newsreels no. 520 (23/8/40), 524 (18/9/40).

Newsreel no. 520 (23 August 1940): 28th German east trade fair in Koenigsberg attracts hundreds of thousands. Chemical fertilizers - Germany's indispensable weapon. Salvaging wrecked vehicles from western campaign. Strength through joy sponsors soldiers factory tour. Arms workers see their products in action. German flak batteries deter enemy bombing raids. Field Marshal von Brauchitsch visits wounded soldiers. Hitler awards Field Marshals with jeweled scepters. Italian bombing raids open campaign against British Somalia. Testing new long-range artillery. Luftwaffe steps up bombing raids against Britain total blockade of Great Britain begins. (25 min) Newsreel no. 524 (18 September 1940): Labor corps spearheads Germanization in eastern territories (Wartheland); Reich labor leader Hierl and Gauleiter Greiser attend the dedication ceremonies. Ethnic Germans return to Alsace Lorraine - German virtues prevail. Baden Hitler Jugend boys join young Germans in Strasbourg. Clearing British