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German Newsreels no. 505 (8/5/40), 506 (15/5/40).

Newsreel no. 505 (8 May, 1940): Public service announcement on enemy lies and demagogy. (3 min) The May First meeting of Reich Labor Chamber takes place at Krupp complex in Essen; Deputy Fuehrer Rudolf Hess lauds German Socialism, singling out for praise exemplary National Socialist businesses. Scrap metal reprocessing - extracting copper for war effort. Giant silos throughout Reich store Germany's strategic grain reserves. German coal en route to Italy by train - throwing Britain's naval blockade by rerouting across the land. Western front - German forces strike deep into enemy territory, destroying shelters and taking prisoners. Combat scenes; artillery exchanges; capture of French POWs. Norwegian campaign - map displays explain strategic necessity for Germany's April 9 invasion. On the ground in Norway- German forces push into interior (through the Grudbrandsal). British forcesn offer resistance - heavy shelling scenes; river crossing; pushing the enemy back. scenes of destruction