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German Newsreels no. 474 (4/10/39), 477 (25/10/39), 480 (14/11/39).

Newsreel no. 474 (4 October, 1939): Public Service Announcement on blacking out lights. In Berlin, General von Brauchitsch and Field Marshals von Mackensen and Goering preside over the military funeral of General Fritsch, slain near Moscow; Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop Flies to Moscow to finalize the Russian-German alliance and the partition of Poland; A map shows the demarcation line; Hitler Jugend boys practice putting out air-raid fires, help dig root corps, while BDM (German Girls League) girls bring flowers to wounded soldiers; In agriculture, as in sports, it is "business as usual"; Occupation authorities in Poland use force labor to deal with the "Jewish Issue", group of Polish Jews are shown and declared as: "pickpockets, pimps, drug dealers, white slave traders, international bank frauds, and rabble-rousing journalists"; Hitler Observes Bombardment of Warsaw by air attack and artillery barrage shortly before the Polish surrender; German units enter Warsaw; In Wilhelmshaven