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German Newsreels no. 471 (14/9/39), 472 (20/9/39), 473 (27/9/39).

Newsreel no. 471 (14 September, 1939): At Berlin's Rheinmetall Borsig Works field Marshal Hermann Goering enjoins a crowd of factory workers to display their loyalty to the Fuehrer. German infantry advances ever deeper into Poland, troops round up civilian prisoners, including Polish Jews, and insurgents are taken to large camps. Footage shows worshipping German soldiers exiting the Jasna Gora Church, belying Allied claims that Germans had destroyed it. German tanks cross bridges repaired by combat engineers. Stukas deliver long rolls of surveillance film, which are developed and studied in the field. Hitler reviews maps in his field headquarters, then drives to front to review troops. The Wehrmacht crosses the Vistula. Columns of captured Polish troops march by the camera; Polish prisoners describe conditions in Poland and their reluctance to fight in war. Wehrmacht and National Socialist People's Welfare Organization feed refugees. Ethnic Germans greet advancing German troops. (18 m