Episode in the series about medicine and science in Nazi Germany. This episode deals with mercy killings and medical experiments. From 1933 onwards doctors in Germany were dealing with issues of mercy killings in order to create a superior race. Mental patients from all over Germany were brought to centers and their organs were collected for research purposes. Doctors lied to the patients about what would happen and after their death, informed the families that they had died from other maladies. These same doctors later worked in the concentration camps in Poland and continued their experiments on prisoners. Since many German soldiers suffered terrible injuries and infections, the doctors tried to recreate their sypmtoms in prisoners and then to treat them with experimental drugs. In Auschwitz, Mengele and Klauberg oversaw experiments carried out on dwarves and twins. Includes photographs and graphic footage, the Nuremberg Trials, Auschwitz today, survivors' testimonies and commentaries by experts.
Frank-Peter Lehmann
Copyright Owner
Darlow Smithson Productions & Channel 4 TV Corporation