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Hana Senesh's Mission

This documentary tells of Hannah Szenes, the Eretz Israeli parachutist and poet, whose figure became a symbol of the struggling of the Jewish Yeshuv in Eretz Israel against Nazism. The film tells about her family and more specifically about her grandmother and father Bela Szenes, that influanced her personality; her studies at the Agricultural School in Nahalal, her life in the Kibbutz Sdot Yam, and the assignment as a volunteer in Europe. Including photographs and archive films giving evidence of the Jewish Establishment in Eretz Israel at the period of the British Mandate and witnesses. Szenes was born in Budapest to an assimilated family and already stood out in her childhood for her writing capacities. Becoming a fervent Zionist, she immigrated to Israel at the age of 18, and joined the Kibbutz Sdot Yam. In 1943, she volunteered to be a parachutist and participating in the struggle of the Partisans Movements and Jews of occupied Europe. In March 1944, she was parachuted over Yugo