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The Sun Rises Again

A documentary film about the "Surviving Remnant" (She'erit Hapleita), and the question of Jewish identity in Poland after the Holocaust. The film records the extraordinary efforts made by the Zionist movement, the JDC and the Polish government to create a new life for the survivors, focusing on their rehabilitation in Poland . "The Sun Rises Again" is composed of segments from films directed by Nathan Gross and produced by Yitzhak Goskind in Poland between 1946-1949, as part of their activity in the Kinor Cooperative for Jewish Film. Among the films quoted are: "Mir Lebengeblibene" (We Who Survived), "Undsere Kinder", (Our Children), "The Fifth Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising", "Kadima Gordonia" and "After Two Thousand Years". "The Sun Rises Again" features rare documentation found in the Ringelblum Archive, scenes of the unveiling of the monument commemorating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, excerpts from performances of the Yiddish Theatre, and clips of the repatriation to Poland of refugees returning from the USSR.