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A Brown Band of the Sympathy - Dresdner Bank and the Third Reich

"Ein braunes Band der Sympathie" - "A Brown Band of Sympathy": This film deals with aryanization, the fate of victims and the participation of the Dresdner Bank in Nazi crimes. The film includes: The current appearance of the Dresdner Bank, speeches by Helmut Kohl and Juergen Sarrazin on the occasion of the 100th anniversary, a photo of Dr. Karl Rasche, former Director of the Bank, at the IMT, Nuremberg, a photo of Dr. Karl Goetz, footage of Berlin in the 1930's, the Engelhardt-House, a photo of Ignaz Nacher, a photo of Julius Lippert, photo of the Nacher family, an interview with Susanne Thaler, niece of Ignaz Nacher, a photo of Wilhelm Keppler, a photo of the Gruenfeld family, an interview with Ruth Gruenfeld footage of the Gruenfeld House, the Gruenfeld House today, the Hermann Tietz-Warehouse, an interview with Albert-Ulrich Tietz, the Reich Chancellery in the Wilhelm Street, a photo of Wilhelm Tietz, the Hotel Kempinski,a photo of the Kempinski family, an interview with Fritz