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The Forgotten Fighters in the Slovak National Uprising

This documentary is about the active part played by the Jewish citizens in the resistance movement in Slovakia. The film opens with a service in a synagogue, and the mountains to which the up risers fled. Over: The presenter recalls the name and heroism of some of the Jewish fighters. Foot: The wood where the fighters lived. Still: Newspaper extract after the war claiming the participation of a small number of Jews in the national uprising. A farmer, the deportation of people. Foot: The Slovakian parliament, newspaper articles of the regulations passed against them. Int: Alexander Bachnar, up riser, speaks about what was in store for the Jews. The town of Kos where there used to be a transit camp. Still: Workers in the field. Camps: Nowaki, Sered and Wigner. Jews at work and their life. Int: Juraj Spitzer, up riser speaks about acquisition of weapons. Fridrich Jan Dukes, escaping from the camp and the cache for the weapons. Foot: People walking in the street, every day l