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Rivrebanks the Life of Ephraim Ferenz Franz Francois Levenheck

A documentay. The film tells the story of the Lvenhecks from late 1899 and through first world war two. Henri Levenheck was born in Strasbourg, France. When the war came, he was a boy. In summer of 1940 France was under Nazi occupation. Henri and his family were forcibly evacuated from Strasbourg and sent to Rivesaltes, one of the camps created for French and foreign Jews in wartime France. Many of Henri’s family members, including his father, were deported from this camp to Auschwitz, where they became victims of the Holocaust. Henri’s teenage years took place against this terrible backdrop of anti-Semitism and constant fear of arrest. Henri made his way to Paris after the war, looking to rebuild his life; a few years after the war, he met another French Jew who had survived, his future wife Frida. Together they would emigrate to Canada, where they built their postwar lives