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A documentary and an animation movie. It tells the untold story of the Jewish Women's Underground. January 1945, less than two weeks before the evacuation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, four forced laborers women, Estusia Wajcblum, Rosa Robota, Alla Gartner, and Regina Safirstein were hanged in public, accused of sabotaging the Nazi war machine. It is a story of feminine heroism, resistance, hope and tragedy, told through the eyes of Anna Wajcblum Heilman, Estusia’s sister and the youngest member of the women’s resistance. Anna wrote a diary describing the c story of the women’s resistance, and the day-to-day routine of the camp, which consists of many little moments of camaraderie and friendship between young women shaped under the circumstances. The name of the movie is taken from Franz Hößler's words, that those women made a Sabotage.