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Ondergedoken - Diel 1 - de cocon

A documentary television series. The 1st episode. The story of the Resistance of Friesland that took care of hiding people ,especially Jews. This resistance was established by Piet Meerburg and together with his sister, Mia Coelingh, who had been the assistant referend of the community of Sneek, and several colleagues. Mong them : Reverend Willem Mesdag and the assistant priest Gerard Janssen. They organized a hideout for Jewish children, especially those smuggled from the Jewish children's daycare center in Amsterdam as known as "De Creche". The film focuses specifically on the personal story of Leah Trop, who was hidden in Friesland as a little girl with Sjoerd and Ytje Kampen. It also describes the situation of the Jews in the Netherlands.