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The Tin Ring Theatre

A play. The story of Zdenka Fantlova, a Holocaust survivor. She was born in the Czech Republic, in 1922. Her life was turned upside-down with the outbreak of World War Two and the subsequent German invasion of her homeland. The enforcement of the Nuremburg rules – the separation of the Jews from the Czechs – meant that she was required to wear a yellow star on her left side at all times. Her schooling taken away from her, she begged her father to allow her to go to Prague to learn English. Despite being taken to six different concentration camps throughout the war, she survived, keeping her tin engagement ring on her neck. She was found by an English officer who bundled her into the back of an ambulance, with nothing but her tin ring tied around her neck. Fifty years after the event, Zdenka decided to share her story with the world in her book. This play is a theatratical adaptation to her book The Tin Ring.