הצלת יהודים בידי Dudas Anna ו1 נוספים בlug Ilok,<>,<>,<>
Meijerink Aaltje (1898 - 1988 )
Dudas Palo
Dudas Anna
Yad Vashem - the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority
Righteous Among the Nations
State of Israel
Holocaust Survivors
Rescue of Jew - the Netherlands
Meijerink Hendrik (1884 - 1959 )
Meijerink Truus (1919 - 2006 )
Jewish Children
הצלת יהודים בידי Meijerink Aaltje (1898 - 1988 ) בnieuwlande,drenthe,<>,the Netherlands
הצלת יהודים בידי Meijerink Aaltje (1891 - 1986 ), Meijerink Truus (1919 - 2006 ), Meijerink Hendrik (1884 - 1959 ) בarnhem,gelderland,<>,the Netherlands