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המפוחית שהצילה את חיי

A testimony. Testimony of Zvi (Horst) Cohen, a member of Kibbutz Maabarot, born in Berlin in 1931. Zvi tells of his childhood in Germany, before Adolf Hitler came to power, and after that, living under the Nuremberg Laws, during Kristallnacht 1938, and during World War II. On May 7, 1943, Zvi and his parents were deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp. Since he knew how to play German folk songs, at the time of his arrest, Zvi played the harmonica. He and his parents survived for two years in the Theresienstadt ghetto until the end of the war. The testimony was first broadcast on Holocaust Martyrs 'and Heroes' Remembrance Day 21/4/20.