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Channel 10 item: Dorit Novak, CEO of Yad Vashem - Wreath Laying ceremony in the morning and at noon a ceremony commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day

Dorit Novak, Yad Vashem's CEO, talks about the events that will take place in Yad Vashem to mark Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day. She says that in recent years, a tradition has started at Yad Vashem of behind-the-scenes tours of places that hitherto were closed to the public like places that collect artifacts, and art collections that survived, as well as sharing with the public the considerations of the committee that selects Righteous among the Nations candidates, and a whole series of activities and materials that are not usually presented, and today the general public is invited to come and participate in these tours and discover other angles, other facets of "Yad Vashem"