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Inside Jerusalem - Identity and the Ancient Past

A documentary. The film is about archaeological facts and identities as it relatesto Jerusalem. A team of scholars tell the story of Jerusalem. Archaeologist Amihai Mazar brings the archaeology of the First Temple period in Jerusalem to life through the remains at the City of David. Dead Sea Scrolls scholar, Emanuel Tov, explains the connection between Qumran and Jerusalem . Tov is a Holocuast survivor from Amsterdam. His paerents parished in theconcentration camps. Archaeological excavations at a fortified city from the time of King David, Khirbet Qeiyafa, explain the very beginnings of the kingdom of David and how this ancient city relates to Jerusalem as explained by excavators Yossi Garfinkel and Michael Hasel. First-hand interviews with professors, students, and excavation volunteers at Khirbet Qeiyafa give us a unique personal insight into the relationship between archaeological data and the connection to identity, both religious and secular, in the search for archaeological fact. Shani Atias hosts the film.