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The Story of Mira Perlov

A short documentary. The testimony of Mira Perlov. Born in Lodz, 1933 Mira was supposed to start first grade on September 1, 1939, but the Second World War broke out, and she and her mother and two sisters moved to the grandparents' house in Krakow. Her father managed to escape from Poland through Lithuania with a visa he received from Righteous Among the Nations, Japanese Consul Sempo Sugihara. Mira, her mother, Mira's sisters and her mother's older brothers - fled east across Europe, via Yugoslavia, Italy and Spain, and managed to reunite with Mira's father in Brazil 4 years later. Mira describes their escape and the circumstances in which they survived deportation and death several times during that period. Later, in Brazil, Mira met David Perlov, who was a documentary director and winner of the Israel Prize, and the two immigrated to Israel in 1953. The documentary includes personal and family.