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The year is 1969. Expelled from the university just before the defense of his thesis, Jakub Łazowski falls on a sensational lead that could change the face of history. His investigation shows that the greatest of Poland's artists in the 20's and 30's of the 20th century Witkacy (author, poet, drunk and drug user) did not commit suicide in 1939 but continues to live with his lover, continuing to create and continuing with his depraved lifestyle. Reality suggests further evidence of an astonishing hoax. His newest paintings are dated by him to before 1939 and are sold very well in Poland's state galleries. All indications are that the great master provocateur and scandalous artist is still alive. In life after his "death" he cultivates with relish the most beautiful of the arts - a lie and all its variations, fraud, deception and all possible kinds of exploitation.