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Konsequent Inkonsequent - Der Maler Franz Radziwill

Konstanze Radziwill, daughter of Franz Radziwill told about her father, the painters of the New Objectivity. She talks about her personal approach to his paintings and grapples with the conflicting political attitudes of her father. Franz Radziwill (1895-1983) lived since 1923 in his adopted home Dangast and was impressed by the rising Nazis. He joined the Nazi Party in 1933, painted by order of the Navy and went on from 1933 to 1939 as a guest of the Navy extended cruises. At the same time he was of the Nazi student newspaper denounced "the movement" as "cultural". He lost his post at the Düsseldorf Art Academy, which he had taken over recently as the successor to Paul Klee. Paul Klee was dismissed by the Nazis in 1933. Radziwill returned to Dangast. Although three of his paintings in 1938 in the art exhibition "Art Entartetet" hung, he became involved in Dangast continue for the Nazis and had since 1937 Main Branch Manager at district headquarters of the Nazi party. After the war, many ruined cityscapes painted Radziwill, 1946, "The application of Bremen". The painting hangs in the Town Hall of Bremen since 1978.