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The Long Way Home

This documentary examines the post World War II period from 1945 to 1948 and the plight of tens of thousands refugees who survived the Holocaust and their often illegal attempt to rich the Jewish homeland. The film opens in 1945 when the Allies have defeated Germany and the war in Europe is officially over. Masses of Jewish survivors are freed from Nazi persecution. American and British authorities set up DP (displaced persons) camps to house the refugees, often on the same sites as former concentration. Facing strict British immigration limits into Palestine, many sought passage illegally, often ending up in locked camps in Cyprus. The Long Way Home arguing that creating an independent Jewish state was necessary given the nature of post-war Europe for these survivors. Narrated by Morgan Freeman, the film combines archival films and stills with interviews, and interweaves historical narrative with stories, anecdotes and recollections of Jewish refugees. The Long Way was the recipient of the 1997 Academy Award for best feature documentary.