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The Eternal Jew

Der Ewige Jude ("The Eternal Jew") is one of the central Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda films. It was produced by UFA studios under the supervision of the Ministry of Propaganda and shot in Lodz Ghetto short time after the German invasion to Poland. Created to legitimize the exclusion of the Jews, Der Ewige Jude depicts the Jews of Poland as corrupt, filthy, lazy, ugly, and perverse; an alien people, who have taken over the world through their control of banking and commerce. The narrator explains the Jews' rat like behavior, while showing footage of rats squirming from sewers. The film's most appalling scene is the slaughter of a cow, shown in graphic detail by a grinning Rabbi, a scene that was excluded in the subtle version of the film made for women and children. To this day Der Ewige Jude is considered dangerous propaganda.