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Bandera, genocide, and justice

was Stepan Bandera responsible for crimes committed by the OUN and the UPA?
Rossolinski-Liebe, Grzegorz
"Stepan Bandera’s responsibility for crimes committed by the members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), partisans of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), and also nationalists dedicated to him who fought in other formations has been discussed in academic debates and instrumentalized in political discourses. While some authors claim that Bandera was fully responsible for all kinds of crimes committed by the OUN and UPA, others argue that he cannot be held responsible for these crimes because he was not directly involved in their execution or he was not in Ukraine when they took place. The article examines various crimes and massacres committed on Bandera’s order or by those devoted to him, and explains to what extent and in which sense Bandera was responsible for them."