"The City of Ponary", research conducted by Shmerke Kaczerginski regarding the murder of the Vilna Jews in Ponary, including testimonies
- Deportation of 11,000 Jews from their homes on the false charge that the Jews had killed a German, July 1941;
- Start of the murder of Jews in Ponary, 11 July 1941;
- Transfer of 8,000 Jews to forced labor, 06 September 1941;
- Murder of Jews in the ghetto by Franz Johann Murer, Dr. Wulf, Hans Hingst, Hans Kittel, and Martin Weiss;
- Establishment of the underground FPO (United Partisan Organization), 24 January 1942;
- Murder of Jews from villages...
Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Verdict from the trial of Martin Weiss and August Hering regarding the murder of the Vilna Jews, 1950
Verdict issued in Landgericht Wuerzburg.
Correspondence and testimonies of the Jewish Historical Documentation Center, Linz, against Martin Weiss, commander of the Wilno Ghetto and leader of the Lithuanian fascists