Correspondence between the RSHA, the German Foreign Ministry and the SS authorities in France concerning deportation of Jews from France and the fate of Jews in Monaco, 1943-1944
Correspondence by SS officials in France mostly adressed to the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) from between 05/01/1943 and 26/05/1944. The content is about deportations of Jews in France. (pp.2-58; 62-67; 70-87)
The senders are:
- SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer Roethke
- SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Guenther
- SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer Eichmann
- SS-Standartenfueher Dr. Knochen
- SS-Hauptsturmfueher Brunner
The recipients are:
Sworn declaration of Taube Suesel Horowicz regarding the experiences of her family in Poland, Austria, Belgium and France; documentation regarding the murder of her husband and the hiding of her children; reparations claim
Variations of the name appear in the documentation:
Sworn declaration pertaining to Taube Suesel (Liefer) Horowicz (scan):
- Sworn declaration of Taube Suesel (Liefer) Horowicz, born in Nadworna (Poland), 07 May 1911, regarding the experiences of her family during the Holocaust; the testimony was taken in Tel Aviv, 08 September 1954; Taube's place of residence is in Jerusalem (The...
File Number : 9488
Type of Material : List of Jewish Children, Speech, Certification, Newspaper Clippings, List of Deportees, Document, Personal Records, Letter, List of Camp Inmates, List of Jews, Article, Investigation Report, Protocol, Personal Documents, Legal Documentation, Article(s), List(s), Text(s), List of Pupils, Declaration