Newspaper clippings from the "Svobodne Ceskoslovenko" newspaper, published, 08/1945-03/1946
- Dachau (camp life) [regarding the inmates];
- Order published by Himmler, regarding the establishment of gas chambers;
- Topolcany events, as described by Karol Smidke;
- Warning by US President Roosevelt, regarding the danger that might be caused to the US Army in Germany as a result of the Nazi ideology;
- Report by the French newspaper "Libres", according to which 20 million people were murdered in the camps;
- Discussions at the trial held against Dachau camp war criminals;
- Discussions at the...
Correspondence between Eberhard Von Thadden and Steengracht Von Moyland, regarding the willingness of the government of Monaco to extradite Jews who escaped from France to Monaco
The number of Jews in Monaco is only 1,000 and not 15,000.
Internal memoranda by Gustav Adolph Steengracht Von Moyland, general director of the German Foreign Ministry, regarding intervention by Gustav Richter, the Swedish envoy in Berlin, on behalf of the Jews of Denmark